Organisation / ANBI

Stichting Here & Now is a small foundation with a board of governors and a director as the basic organisational structure.

Stichting Here & Now is a culturele ANBI (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling), which means that donations to the stichting can be done with tax benefits under Dutch law.

RSIN (fiscal ID of the organisation):  8552 20 247
bank account (IBAN): NL07 TRIO 0390 9316 40

Please contact us if you would like to do a donation:

The foundation is run in accordance to the Dutch Good Governance Code (Governance Code Cultuur) and runs corresponding policies on integrity and transparancy.

Current board members are:

Voorzitter: Erik van de Meulen, social enterprises entrepreneur and investor, co-founder Powered by Meaning

Penningmeester: Natanja den Boeft – independent movement artist, festival organiser and dance educator in higher education (SNDO Amsterdam, NSCD Leeds, Codarts a.o.

Secretaris: Chris Tonelli (Dr.phil) – musicologist, assistent professor at University of Groningen, editorial team member of the International Institute for Critical Studies in Improvisation, Canada

board member: Marie-Louise Smolenaars – cultural policy and funding professional, worked for the Ministry of Culture of the Netherlands and the Cultuurparticipatiefonds. Currently funding advisor for an educational organisation in Utrecht.

Board members are not paid for their function and never receive a salary from the cultural funds that the stichting attracts.

Current director is: Thomas Johannsen – improviser, composer, artistic director Genetic Choir

The director receives no structural payment, but receives payment on an irregular basis via the subsidised projects that stichting Here & Now undertakes.

Find here the Activity & Financial reports of


financial report 2022 (jaarrekening)

activity report 2022

– standaardformulier publicatieplicht ANBI 2022
–> soon, in preparation!


– financial report 2021 (jaarrekening)

– activity report 2021

standaardformulier publicatieplicht ANBI 2021


2016 – jaarverslag – Stichting Here&Now

2017 – jaarverslag – Stichting Here&Now

2018 – jaarverslag – Stichting Here&Now

2019 – jaarverslag – Stichting Here&Now

2020 – jaarverslag – Stichting Here&Now

Stichting Here & Now can be best reached via our e-mail address:

Stichting Here & Now, interdisciplinary instant composition

RSIN: 8552 20 247
KvK nummer: 63402513

algemeen contactadres:
postadres: Rangeerderstraat 16, 1019 TN Amsterdam

bank account (IBAN): NL07 TRIO 0390 9316 40

Mission Statement

(see below for Dutch)

Stichting Here & Now aims to develop improvisation as an interdisciplinary craft and to raise awareness of the value of improvisation among the widest possible audience.

We see improvisation and instant composition as a discipline-transcending activity in which we learn to enter into meaningful relationships in the moment and to move between freedom and form, between control and surrender. It is a skill that enables us to use our knowledge and expertise in each given context in order to research, create and reflect.

We are convinced that improvisation skills will be of great social value in meeting the challenges of the 21st century, both for the development of new forms of collaboration within and outside the arts, and for a constructive and unprejudiced coexistence in an ever more rapidly-changing society.


Stichting Here&Now stelt zich tot doel improvisatie als interdisciplinair vakmanschap te ontwikkelen en de waarde daarvan bekend te maken onder een zo breed mogelijk publiek.

We zien Improvisatie als een vak waarin je leert betekenisvolle relaties aan te gaan in het moment én je te bewegen tussen vrijheid en vorm, tussen controle en overgave. Improvisatie en instant componeren is een vaardigheid die je in staat stelt om in elke gegeven context je kennis en vaardigheden in te zetten om iets te onderzoeken, creëren en erop te reflecteren.

We zijn ervan overtuigd dat improvisatie vaardigheden van grote maatschappelijke waarde zijn voor het aangaan van de uitdagingen van de 21e eeuw, zowel voor de ontwikkeling van nieuwe samenwerkingsvormen binnen en buiten de kunsten, als ook voor het constructief en onbevooroordeeld samenleven in een steeds sneller veranderende samenleving.